pause notice breathe carry on

i invite you to listen to the rhythm and cadence of your inner voice as you read

alright, let’s get comfy

find yourself a cozy spot

maybe in a chair

or on a cushion on the floor

and once you’re settled in

take a moment to really feel your body sinking into your seat

notice the weight of your body where it meets the chair or cushion [short pause]


rest your hands on your knees or thighs

make sure you’re not leaning too far forward or backward

just find that sweet spot where your shoulders feel relaxed [short pause]


sit up a bit straighter

and pay attention to how your head, neck, and back are aligned

explore how you can sit 

so that your head neck and back feel most comfortable [short pause]


you can close your eyes

or keep them open, just keep your gaze soft [short pause]


take a second to check in with yourself

be curious and open to what you may find


scan from the top of your head down to your toes

noticing any physical sensations and your general mood [short pause]


take a few deep breaths

and let go of any tension in your muscles


relax your face




and legs [long pause]


now, focus on your breath

notice where you feel it the most

maybe at the tip of your nose

or in the rise and fall of your stomach or chest

let your breathing be natural and easy [long pause]


be here in this moment

fully present with each breath in and out [long pause]


if your mind starts to wander

just acknowledge it with a friendly “thinking”

and gently bring your focus back to your breath [short pause]


you don’t have to catch every single thought

just whenever you notice your mind has strayed

gently guide it back to your breath

let thoughts come and go without judgment [very long pause]


take a few more moments to just be with your breath


when you’re ready

gently bring your attention back to the feeling of your body on your seat

slowly open your eyes


carry on


In the Loop: March 2024


In the Loop: February 2024